So much of our time we spend wishing and wanting for things. What about all that we have already? It doesn’t matter where any of us are we have so much that we can appreciate.
I guess some of you are saying or thinking that it is easy to be appreciative if you have good health or you have enough money to pay your bills. It’s easy to say when you are in a happy loving relationship. Or perhaps you might think it’s easy to say when your business is booming and you are moving one rank after another and you’re sponsoring one focused business builder after another.
No matter where your life is right now you DO have many things to appreciate. What about the simple things like having air to breathe? If you suffer with some health condition that makes breathing difficult for you what about appreciating the medication or the treatment you have that provides some ease to your situation?
How many of you have a roof over your head, a bed to sleep in, clean running water? Are they things to appreciate? I dare you to take 10 of fifteen minutes and think about all the things you DO have in your life and find something to appreciate about those.
Appreciating what we have is a lesson most of us learned as children, did you ever want some new toy or gadget when you were a child and your parents said no, so you put on a bit of a “turn” in an attempt to get it? Then your parents reminded of you of things that you do have that you don’t use or play with and they said something like, you don’t appreciate what you have got and until you do you can’t have anything more?
What a simple lesson yet do we practise that appreciation today?
In our businesses we often complain when someone doesn’t do what they need to do to grow their business and that becomes our focus, what about appreciating the people we have in our business who do what needs to be done? and when we focus on them doesn’t that feel more uplifting and inspiring?
For people who have jobs, how often do you complain about having to go to work? compare that with the amount of time you appreciate the fact that you have a job and that you get paid by someone to do the job you do? What about the amount of money that person or company has invested in establishing a business that believes enough in you to hire you and pay you a wage, isn’t that something to appreciate?
For those of you who are employers how often do you complain about the staff member who does it wrong compared to the amount of time you appreciate the staff members who do it right?
For those in relationships how much time do you spend complaining about what you don’t like about your partner compared to the amount of time you appreciate what you do like about your partner?
If you are in a very challenging place right now and perhaps you think that what you have just read isn’t right, what about appreciating that you have the ability to think about things the way that you do and that we can all have our own opinions and point of view? You see there is always something we can appreciate
It is easier to look for what’s wrong and at times more difficult to look for what’s right, but let me tell you not only does it feel good to look for what’s right, what you give your attention to you get more of and don’t you want more of the stuff that feels good?. So make it your objective today to look for the good in things and appreciate what you do have.
Yours in Success
Linda Cargill-Selfe