How much have you bargained for?

How many times have you ever heard someone say (or perhaps it’s you) I don’t make enough money or my income isn’t what I want it to be?

I was talking to a young guy, Jim, the other day and he was telling me wanted to buy the new Jaguar sports car because he absolutely loved it. When I asked him when he was going to do that he laughed and said, when I win the lottery because I work in IT and that Industry doesn’t pay the kind of money that would allow me to buy that car.

I said Bill Gates was in involved in IT wasn’t he, and Jim again laughed and said oh yeah kind of, but that guy is one in a billion the kind of stuff that he did just doesn’t happen anymore opportunities like that are gone! You could have knocked me over with a feather when he said that.

Because, I understand that Bill Gates has done something remarkable with his life and created products that have changed the course of how we do business, and I am sure you will agree with me no matter what your opinion is about his products, the guys results and his contribution to society are incredible. But were you aware that Bill Gates had taken the last opportunity available in that Industry! I wasn’t!

Bill Gates had a passion and a vision that he focused on. He didn’t always do what other people did but he did what he needed to do to achieve the results he achieved. He has been passionate about computers for a long time long before they were as accessible as they are today. Bill Gates found what he loved and found a way to do it and asked for the money he wanted.

Bill Gates, thinks, he eats, he sleeps, he breaths he makes choices, just like we do so if Bill Gates as a functioning human being can achieve remarkable things so can we.

Oh maybe it’s all been a big mistake because somebody forgot to tell Bill Gates that IT doesn’t pay much?

No matter what you do you can earn the kind of money you want. Just find something you love to do and do it.

I love some of the examples Jack Canfield gives in his book Success Principles, when he talks about find what you love to do and do it and you can be financially successful. A lady said to him the only thing I like to do is talk to people and he replied great that’s exactly what Oprah Winfrey liked to do and she has made herself one of the richest people on the planet doing just that

Most of us have a preconceived idea about what we should be paid to do the things we do. Are we correct? Maybe by reading this amazing poem by Jessie B Rittenhouse you will see it’s all in the bargain we drive!

I bargained with Life for a penny,

And life would pay no more,

However I begged at evening,

When I counted my scanty store;


For life is a just employer,

He gives you what you ask,

But once you have set the wages,

Why, you must bear the task.


I worked for a menial’s hire,

Only to learn, dismayed,

That any wage I had asked of Life,

Life would have gladly paid.


Yours in Success

Linda Cargill-Selfe


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