How should I build my Network Marketing business?

What online method is the best way to build my Network Marketing business is a question often asked. Some say social media is the way to go, others say Article Marketing. Do I create my own website? Or do I have a blog?

Do I use a replicating site and if so who should I follow which one is the best?

It can be very confusing can’t it, but you can make it very simple and very effective and this is how you can do it.

  1. Allocate yourself at least 3-4 days to do research
  2. Plan your research break it down category by category
    1. Social Media
    2. Article Marketing
    3. PPC advertising
    4. Look for the experts in each of these fields a simple Google search will lead you to them.
    5. Listen to or read the material you can access on each of the people you have chosen as your expert. Just pick a couple of the experts that really stand out to you
    6. Decide which expert and method feels like the one you can relate to easily. Remember to take into account your budget because you will probably want to buy some additional educational tools or if you decide to go with PPC you will need funds not only for the education side of things, you will also need an advertising budget as well.
    7. Make a decision and STICK TO IT. Unsubscribe to the others you are not following, at least for the short term.

This last point is where most of the confusion and lack of activity comes in because these guys these who are at the top of their game, are at the top because they are constantly expanding their education and keeping their finger on the pulse. As the market place changes or the rules and regulations change, or trends move, these guys are right up there soaking it up and then getting it out to their subscribers as soon as they can.

So if you have subscribed to a large number of experts you will be bombarded with updates, product releases, webinars, training calls, to the point that you won’t know what to do next!

I am telling you this because I have been down that road, and boy once you get down there a little way it is very easy to really start to feel overwhelmed, and then believe me you end up, not doing the things that are really important because you have so much material to go through there is no time left to build a business.

So here is my final piece of advice. Make your choice, don’t be afraid that you have made the wrong one, because at the end of the day every method or system works, it truly just depends on your ability to learn, APPLY and follow the method or system.

Follow through with your choice until you have mastered the skills you need to master. Let’s say you decide to go with Social Media Marketing, put everything you learn into practise and once you feel comfortable with what you are doing and you are getting consistent results, then start to explore another method, like Article Marketing or PPC.

If you have an existing team make sure you stay consistent with your team, don’t go trying to roll out a completely new way of doing things until you have mastered the skills and GOT THE RESULTS. One further piece of advice if you are already having success even if it is in a small way, keep doing what you’re doing and add your new skills to it.

So the long and the short of it is this, how should you build your Network Marketing business? the way that feels best for you AND always one step at a time!

Yours in Success

Linda Cargill-Selfe


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