Category Archives: Uncategorized

What’s your expectation in Network Marketing

Just listened to an amazing leader in the Network Marketing Industry, Carole Escalano, this morning talk about her rise to success in the Network Marketing Industry. Like I have said before you tend to hear the same message over and over again from the great leader’s and the message in this morning’s call was no exception.

The message was about expectation and when I thought about what she had said during the call it promoted me to write this post, because expectation is such an important part of the success process.

We have talked in the past about “desire” and this is the first step to setting goals of any kind BUT if having desire is the only thing you have then I am afraid to tell you, you are in the wishful thinking zone not in the creating your success zone.

Let me show you  exactly why I am saying this. Continue reading What’s your expectation in Network Marketing

Is Facebook really the best way to generate leads for your Network Marketing business?

Generating leads is paramount to creating success in Network Marketing, a fresh and constant supply of leads will grow your business and ultimately increase the amount of money you earn each month from your Network Marketing business, but is Facebook really the best way to generate those leads?

For some people the answer will be an immediate yes and they would be right for them! But Continue reading Is Facebook really the best way to generate leads for your Network Marketing business?

What are your goals for your Success in Network Marketing

I heard Jim Rohn say that setting goals changed his life forever! He tells the story that his coach asked to see Jim’s written down goals and when Jim said he didn’t have them written down the coach said that he could guess within a few hundred dollars what Jim’s bank balance was and he was right, because Jim’s bank balance was almost zero.

Having clearly written down goals is the very beginning of holding your focus on the things you want, and you get what you focus on Continue reading What are your goals for your Success in Network Marketing

Be confident about your success in Network Marketing?

I remember my first real one on one presentation for my Network Marketing business, I was a little nervous and quite scared that I would forget what I had learned about the company and the pay plan and all the other things I had been taught to do when doing a Network Marketing presentation.

The first thing I did once we had introduced ourselves, was to start asking some question because I wanted to find Continue reading Be confident about your success in Network Marketing?

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