Make a change and make your own Success in Network Marketing!

I was quite a way “over 25” !! in fact I was quite a way “over 50”, now I am a female so allow me some license here okay  when I first joined the Network Marketing Industry.

I remember thinking how different being part of this Industry was compared to anything I had done before. There was a lot of excitement at meetings I attended, people seemed really friendly and most of them seemed very interested in others. People appeared very open and that was certainly different to the stand back and assess situation that I was used to in the corporate world. I wasn’t entirely sure that I was going to be able to fit into this environment, after all I had worked long and hard to build my career and I was fairly set in my ways!

At one of the first meetings I attended I noticed that a number of the people were like “people magnets” they seemed to attract large numbers of people to them, I was kind of curious to find out what that was all about. What did they have or do that made them so popular and sort after.

It didn’t take too long for the answers to come, because as soon as the meeting started each one these “people magnets” spent time on the stage talking about their backgrounds, why they had joined the network marketing Industry, how they had created their success, and what impact being involved in the Network Marketing Industry had had on their lives and on the lives of their loved ones.

One thing became very obvious to me, each one of the speakers had at some point been doing something other than Network Marketing as the major source of their income. Some came from the Corporate World, others were Farmers, there were Builders, plumbers, teachers and even Doctors. It seemed to me that it made no difference what type of background you had, you could create Success in Network Marketing if you really applied yourself.

Many of them spoke about the hardships they had faced prior to joining the Network Marketing Industry, some had been made redundant others had lost their entire life savings through bad business decisions, others had lost their homes and even faced or had become bankrupts.

The common thread that appeared to me that night was that each one of these people had made a decision to be a Success in Network Marketing and they were prepared to make a change to what they did to have that success.

And as I sat there in my head I could hear the words my father often used to say to me, “you’ve made your choice now make the most of it!”, and I thought that is exactly what each and every one of the speakers had done. They had made their choice of joining the Network Marketing Industry and they were making the most of it.

You have already made your choice to join the Network Marketing Industry, so how are you going to make the most of it? Are you going to attend as many meetings and webinars as you can to learn to master the skills you need to master to be a Success?

Are your going to read the books and listens to the CD”s that will help you learn how to be the best communicator you can be? Are you going to help other people to make a success out of their decision to join the Network Marketing Industry?

I made the decision to make the change and learn how to fit into the Network Marketing environment and to become the success I wanted to be. I took my dad’s advise I had made my choice now I will make the most of it. I decided to seek the knowledge learn to apply it, to make sure I created my own success in Network Marketing. I challenge you to do the same.

Yours in Success

Linda Cargill-Selfe


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