It’s all about feeling good!

Have you ever noticed that when you feel really good you get lots more done?  Things just somehow have a funny way of working out and if they don’t quite go to plan somehow you know it’s going to be okay anyway.

Have you noticed that when you feel good you seem to run into a lot more happy people? More people say things to you like please and thank you, people smile at you more and the lines at the bank or the supermarket are shorter or perhaps they are not there at all.

You’re catching a Plane or a Bus and the person you sit next to is delightful and your journey takes no time at all. Car spaces just happen to be there right next to the door of the shopping centre.

Have you ever noticed that when you feel good overall things just seem to flow a little better? That being the case then doesn’t it make sense to feel good as often as we can? Of course it does.

Let me just make sure we have clarity here! When I am talking about feeling good I am talking about the type of feeling good that you have when, a person you have been really keen on asks you out, or you wear a new outfit and you know you look good and everybody seems to be looking at you thinking how great you look, or you make the most money you ever made in a month, you buy a new car or move into your own home. I am talking about a good feeling that really good feeling when you feel like you are on top of the world.

So if we agree that life seems a whole lot brighter when we feel good isn’t the question then, how do I get to feel that good more often?

Is it practical to go out and buy a new car more often? Or if you like shopping you could go shopping more often? There are range of things we could do that make us feel good, but what if there was a way that was totally unconditional, something we could do anywhere and time and it didn’t cost any money and the benefit was much greater than anything you could buy or consume? Well there is and it is so simple it will make you laugh!

Would you mind doing something for me? Just think for a moment about something that someone did you for that was really good something you really enjoyed, got that? Okay! now imagine that person or persons are right in front of you and you say the words “Thank You” like you really mean it, really express how grateful you are.

How does that feel? Feels good doesn’t it?

So if we agree that when we feel good life seems a little brighter and things happen a little easier, and we would like to feel good more often. Well now you know the simplest and MOST effective way to feel good is unconditional GRATITUDE!

The more you develop an attitude of GRATITUDE the better you will feel, and the better you feel the better your life will be.

All too often we think about the challenges or even downright hardships we are facing and we forget all the things we have to be grateful for.

So tonight when you go to bed and tomorrow when you wake up in the morning find at least 5 things to be grateful for, I mean really grateful for, you will find your days and nights just get better and better. The more grateful you become the happier you will be and the happier you are the more you will realise what you have to be grateful for.

It’s very easy some times to forget the simple things in life we have to be grateful for, like clean running water, fresh food, a roof over our heads, the people in our lives. The internet, TV the telephone, music, and then of course there is the magic gift of sight and movement the ability to hear to feel to laugh and to cry.  The joy of friendship and family, we all have so many things to be grateful for and it is gratitude that helps us feel the best we can feel.

The gift of gratitude is happiness and feeling good! And we know it’s all about feeling good!

Yours in Success

Linda Cargill-Selfe


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