What is a Flash in the Pan? Part One

The meaning of this Phrase as quoted by Phrases.org.uk:

Something which disappoints by failing to deliver anything of value, despite a showy beginning.

Let me begin this blog by saying I have broken this up into 2 parts so it makes for an easy read. The information in this blog could absolutely change your life!

Waking this morning I had an interesting thought on my mind and what it was, was this. I was telling someone I had another great day yesterday and that I had achieved lots of things and I was feeling great and very happy with myself. Their response was that’s great so this looks like it’s not just a “flash in the pan”!  My first thought reaction was quite negative but I decided to let it go and say nothing in response. However when I woke up this morning there it was, those words a “Flash in the pan”  so I began to think what is a “flash in the pan” really, and what is it that brings it about.

As I said when the comment was first made my thoughts were quite negative and even though I decided to ignore it, just let it go or so I thought, I obviously didn’t let it go it stayed on mind which just proved the truth I have been learning over the last few years, (from amazing people like Napoleon Hill, Bob Proctor, Wallace Wattles, Charles Hannel, Esther Hicks, Jack Canfield, Wayne Dyer, Anthony Robbins and so many other great authors and philosophers) and that is:

  1. You get what you think about
  2. Law of Attraction – like unto itself is drawn
  3. Every thought is where you left it
  4. You have the free will and choice to think what you want to think and therefore change where you last left any thought.

I lay in bed thinking I want to know why is it that some things are a “flash in the pan”? and the more I thought about it the clearer it became. So I would like to share the insight I had with you, it may be just the thing you need to know to make permanent change to your results!

I am sure like most of us you may have had a situation or two that you can think about where you were really keen on doing something, in fact we will go so far as to say you were adamant that you were going to do it.

We’ll take a subject that most people relate to, and say it’s about making more money. You decided that you were sick and tired of being in debt or maybe you were just over not being able to take the type of holidays you want or maybe you really wanted to upgrade your home or your car or simply look after the family a little better than you can do right now.

Let’s say in your case the reason you wanted more money was you were sick and tired of having a mortgage because the constant change in the Interest rates was effecting the quality of your family lifestyle. So you wanted to earn more  money to get the mortgage paid off and you got really excited about the prospect of being able to do that. You were so excited about it you were talking to your friends about it, and it really made you feel good to think about it and it seemed absolutely certain to you and to others that you were going to make it happen.

So let’s say maybe you decided to join a business, or if you are already in a business you decided you were going to implement some changes or introduce some new ideas into your business that would create more money coming in.

Maybe your choice was to take up a craft that would make money or you perhaps become a trader on eBay or at a market, whatever you decided to do you were really certain, as you thought about it, that it was definitely going to happen and you were going to get the money together to pay out the mortgage.

So you begin your journey to your new found wealth. Day one, (for this exercise I am going to use Network Marketing as my example) you set yourself up in your office in front of the computer and you get to work. You write out your to do list and you start at the top to work through the list to prioritise what needs to happen first. You know what needs to be done and you know or you have just learned that prioritising your work load will help you achieve what you want

So here you go, you know that:

  1. Number one you need to have people to talk to.
  2. You need to talk to them
  3. You need to expose them to your business.
  4. You need to follow up

You go to your contact list and you pull out all the contacts you have and list them on an excel sheet and you rate them in the order of preference that you are going to contact them. You print out your list and place it next to the phone ready to make calls.

You also know that you need to be confident when you talk to anyone so you decide to give yourself a quick refresher of what the business is about and how it works, and so you jump onto the company site to go through some of the material.

That done you get on the phone and start to make calls your goal is to contact 6 people today and you do it!! Good One! After the calls are made you decide to expand your knowledge a little more and so you spend the next hour or so on the computer getting a greater education about the Network Marketing Industry and your company.

At the end of the day you look at what you have done and you pat yourself on the back and say wow that’s great I’m on my way, I have done exactly what I said I would do.

A close friend calls and you find yourself on the phone for a while fairly engrossed in a conversation about how difficult the economy is. The update on the global economic crisis is that it still has a long way to go in fact, they tell you they just heard, yet another country is facing financial bankruptcy.

Before you know it you are thinking and talking about how difficult things are in life and how hard it is to make any changes or get ahead when after all the useless government is the one controlling the interest rates that is effecting yours and everybody else’s financial situation, they are the ones making the decisions! How can you do anything to change things?

You get off the phone and get back to whatever you were doing perhaps preparing the evening meal or helping the kids with their homework. Later when you sit down to your evening meal, and  the discussion turns to the phone call you had earlier and you find yourself all caught up in it again making lots of comments and remarks about the stinking Government or the GFC and the interest rates, all the things that you believe are the cause of your financial challenges.

You head off to bed after a couple of hours of TV and then you wake in the morning to day two of your journey to your new found wealth.

You aren’t feeling quite as excited as yesterday and you’re thinking about all the things you need to get done. You have to make your calls, do your follow ups and expand your education as well. Then you start to feel a bit anxious that maybe it’s going to be a busy day, so no time to think and plan better get going now.

You’re making your to do list and you look across the desk and see your gas bill and then you remember that you haven’t paid it, so you say okay I’ll just duck out and do that and then when I come back I will get right into my business.

While you are out paying your gas bill as you’re standing in line, you think about the evening meal and you think, well I might as well pick up some food while I am out so as soon as you pay the bill  you head for the supermarket. Meanwhile that 30 min trip to just duck out and pay the gas bill just turned into a couple of hours, and by the time you get home it’s past lunch time.

Well you might as well have lunch now and get right into it after lunch, right, I mean it makes sense doesn’t it, it’s a bit hard to concentrate if you’re hungry! So you decide that you will just eat something and then you’re going to get right on to doing what you need to do.

And so day two continues, because of all sorts of interruptions  you don’t get the calls finished, you committed to make 6 calls you just got two done and you only get to follow up with three of the people you needed to follow up on and before you know it everyone’s arrived home and now it’s time to get dinner.

The usual evening events happen, you eat dinner, help the kids with homework watch a bit of TV and off to bed

It’s the morning of day three, well now there is a lot of stuff that needs to be done for the family, you’ve got to check in your mum to make sure she is okay. The washing needs doing and there is just a heap of stuff to do around the house and so you decide that really the business will just have to wait for another day, there is only so much a person can do!

Day after day distraction after distraction takes you away from building your business and the longer it goes on the more and more guilty you feel about it and so your idea to build a Network Marketing business to pay off your mortgage appears to appear to be a  “flash in the pan” do you want to know WHY this happened?

see you tomorrow….


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