What is a Flash in the Pan? Part Two

If you have not read part one I suggest that you do that, it was posted yesterday!

The meaning of this Phrase as quoted by Phrases.org.uk:

Something which disappoints by failing to deliver anything of value, despite a showy beginning.

Let me take you back to the truths I listed at the start of the blog (day one):

  1. You get what you think about
  2. Law of Attraction – like unto itself is drawn
  3. Every thought is where you left it
  4. You have the free will and choice to think what you want to think and therefore change where you last left any thought.

So let’s break this down one point at a time:

Number 1: You get what you think about :

It seems that wanting to create more money is thinking about wealth right? Well it doesn’t always and let me explain why.

Everything has an opposite or a polarity. To up there is down, to Hot there is Cold, to wet there is dry. So not having money has the opposite or polarity which is having money.

Now to illustrate why this is relevant, let’s first take a look at:

Question: What the reason was that you wanted to make more money?

Answer: You were sick and tired of having a mortgage and the effect the interest rates were having on your lifestyle, correct?

Question: Is that thinking about having money, or is it thinking about owing money?

Answer: It’s thinking about owing money.

Question: During the phone conversation you had were you thinking  and talking about how good things were or how bad they were?

Answer: You were thinking and talking about how bad things were, in particular effect the Government was having on the interest rates which in turn affects your financial position

Question: The conversation you were having over the dinner table was that about how good things are or how bad they are?

Answer: Once again you were thinking and talking about how bad things were, in particular the effect the Government was having on the interest rates which in turn affects your financial position

Question: When you woke on the morning of day two, were you thinking about how much time you have or how much you have to do?

Answer: you were thinking about how much you have to do

Question: Did you think about money coming in or did you think about money going out eg the gas bill?

Answer: You thought about needing to pay the gas bill.

Question: Day three were you thinking about what you were going to do in your business

Answer: No your thoughts were about how much “stuff” you had to get done and there is only so much a person can do!

Question: Does any of this make you a good person or a bad person?

Answer: NO IT DOES NOT, it just shows you where the majority of your thinking is.

Question: What value is there in that?

Answer: You get what you are thinking about (whether you realise what you are thinking or not!)

Question: How does that happen?

Answer: Law of Attraction

So now let’s take a look at point Number 2: Law of Attraction – Like unto itself is drawn

Question: What role does the law of Attraction play here?

Answer: All like things are drawn to each other so let’s say you have negative thoughts about money more thoughts of a similar nature will come to you.

For example on day two as you were writing your list you remembered you needed to pay the gas bill.

Day three, you were thinking that you didn’t have time to do the business because you were too busy with lots of other things that needed to be done, so no work was done on your business to potentially bring you in more money.

You see how it works? – You think about not enough and things will happen to make sure you don’t have enough.

Number 3: Every thought is where you left it:

Have you ever noticed that you can have a particular thought about something, you have experienced in the past and that becomes the way you think about that particular thing every time you think about it., unless you decide to change your opinion

I had an experience with eating Calamari. The first time I ever had calamari I could hardly chew it was so tough. Until recently every time I went out and Calamari was on the menu I would immediately remember the first time I had eaten it and I would say I don’t like Calamari because it is too tough.

I was out to dinner the other night and calamari was on the menu in fact the waiter recommended it, and when I said no thanks I don’t like Calamari because it’s too tough he suggested I try it because the way they cook it, it’s absolutely delicious. I was still not keen to order it and he said I’ll tell you what order it and if it doesn’t wow you I will take it off you bill and I will give you another entree at no charge.

Not one to pass up a good offer I ordered the Calamari and it was even more delicious than the waiter had said, now my story about Calamari is it is fantastic when it is cooked properly.

I have changed the thought from where I last left it!

Number 4: You have the free will and choice to think what you want to think and therefore change where you last left any thought.

As you saw with my story of Calamari I chose to change what I thought about it. No one forced me to order or eat the Calamari it was through my own free will that I not only ordered it but I ate it as well, and the result? I now have a different thought about Calamari.

So now what does all this mean and how can you apply these 4 points and change the results you are getting building your Network Marketing business  from being a “flash in the pan” to being a long term wealth creating business

  1. Pay attention to what you think about. If your building a Network Marketing Business because you want more money, think about how your life would be with that money. What sorts of things would you do? What type of holidays would you take? What sort of car would you drive? What kind of treats would you give your family?
  2. The more you think about those kind of things and you enjoy thinking about them Law of Attraction will take care of bringing more and more thoughts that match up to that good feeling.
  3. If you find yourself feeling negative when the bills come in, because in the past that has usually put a lot of pressure on your budget, find a way to leave that thought in a little bit better place. The first step may be as simple as saying to yourself, I know the bills come in every month and it has always seems to put a strain on the budget but somehow we always manage to make ends meet and this time will be no different. That feels a little more optimistic than your first thought doesn’t it? and remember Law of attraction will bring more thoughts like it so the more optimistic you feel the more optimistic thoughts will come to you and the more optimistic thoughts come to you the better you feel the better you feel the results you have
  4. You have the free will and choice to think what you want to think and therefore change where you last left any thought. So what are you thinking

A “flash in the pan” is not really just a flash at all it is the universe giving you exactly what you think about. So rather than beating yourself up about not continuing to do what you said you were going to do, just stop for a moment and give thought to what you are thinking about most of the time, in the case of your Network Marketing business are you thinking you can do it or are thinking you can’t? Are you thinking about having money, or are you thinking about the money you don’t have?

I challenge you to really stop and think about your Network Marketing business, what are the thoughts you have most of the time? Remember you get what you think about, so why not put a list together of the thoughts you  want to have about it and keep going over them a number of times a day. Once you start to feel and thinking more optimistically and hopeful about your business, be prepared to be amazed! All of a sudden you will find you have the time to do things you need to do to grow your business. You will attract all sorts of amazing people and opportunities to you that you just didn’t see before.

Remember there is no “Flash in the Pan” it’s only thoughts about why it can’t be more than there are thoughts about why it can be!

Yours in Success

Linda Cargill-Selfe


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