What are your goals for your Success in Network Marketing

I heard Jim Rohn say that setting goals changed his life forever! He tells the story that his coach asked to see Jim’s written down goals and when Jim said he didn’t have them written down the coach said that he could guess within a few hundred dollars what Jim’s bank balance was and he was right, because Jim’s bank balance was almost zero.

Having clearly written down goals is the very beginning of holding your focus on the things you want, and you get what you focus on, so it makes sense to have your goals written down so that you can access them easily and bring your focus back to them no matter what has distracted you.

We live in a time where we have so many things coming at us all day every day it really can be a challenge to stay focused not just on your goals but on anything.

Look at the mobile phone and how that has changed our lives, no matter where we are now people can contact us. Now I am not saying that’s a bad things quite the contrary, I love the fact that we are so connected, but it can be a distraction even if you don’t want it to be and our focus on our goals can disappear as we get caught up with what’s happening with this person or that person.

Being focused on the result you want is the only path to success, if you combine your goals with clarity and a plan to get there you are well on your way to achieving success. So why is it that some people who obviously see Network Marketing as a path to achieve their financial and time goals, fail to do so and quit? Or they just don’t do what needs to be done?

The common reason this happens is most people do not have their goals written down or they have them written down “somewhere” they just can’t remember where!

Writing down your goals and reviewing them regularly will create miracles in your life, I know because I live so many of the goals I have written down, and one of them is this blog. It is imperative that you and your team have written down goals and that you review them on a regular basis to get where you want to go. Reviewing written down goals a number of times a day will get your subconscious working with you to generate ideas and inspiration.

Often I hear people say I am no good at setting goals yet if they were about to go on holidays do you think they might set a goal or two?

Let’s take a look at this scenario, you have a decided to go on holidays (a goal) and you have decided to go to a city you have never been to before (another goal) what do you think would happen if you just walked out the front door and said, this is it I am off to Dublin! Do you need to pack? What do you need to pack? do you need a passport? do you have a passport? how much money will you need?  How the heck are you going to get there? How long will you be away? what about your home and your job who will take care of them?

That would be a ridiculous situation right? of course if you were going on holidays you would have a goal about where you wanted to go and what you would need. Even if you are like some people who take off on a driving holiday with the intention of going where the road takes them (a gaol), you would still need to plan things like. what am I going to drive and what will I take, and what money do I need.

The same rules apply with the rest of your life if you want success in Network Marketing and you want to help others achieve success then you must have written down goals. Make it your objective today to revisit your goals, write them down carry them with you and read them 6 times a day imagining that you have already achieved them, do it for 90 days and watch the miracles start to appear in your life.

Why not help the people in your team or your loved ones and encourage them to write down their goals, maybe start a “buddy” system where you help one and another with your goals and help each other with staying focused. This will create greater results in their lives and in yours and wouldn’t that be a good thing?

Let me know about the miracles you create!

Yours in Success

Linda Cargill-Selfe


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