Learn how to feel good.

Ever had a day when things are a little full on? You have lot’s to do and you take one step forward and then seem to take another step back. Your Diary is full of appointments and you really need to stay on top of things because you have a number deadlines to meet, and then one of your appointments runs late and puts your whole schedule out, and you spend the rest of the day chasing your tail. Sound familiar?

Whenever we face a busy time it is easy to bring our focus to all the things that need to be done, and we can so easily create a thought pattern about how much there is to do. We can even create a pattern of thought that we are not going to have enough time to get everything done or perhaps that we don’t have enough time to really enjoy our lives, because we are so busy.

We always get what we think about, so if we continue to think we have a lot to do and there is not a lot of time, then guess what that’s what we are going to get. If we continue to think thoughts like “I don’t have enough time for me to really enjoy myself because I am always working” that’s what you are going to keep getting.

This concept can be a bit of a challenge to grasp, because you want to think that you have plenty of time but the reality is, for anyone who looked at your schedule, including you, you don’t have a lot of time and you certainly have lots to get done in the time that you do have. So how do you break the cycle of that thought process? Well maybe you could just not do some of the things on your list, but then you feel guilty because you should have done them and that puts a whole lot more pressure and bad feeling on you, so what’s the answer?

To start with let’s just revisit the Law of Attraction, like unto itself is drawn. Pure and simple that’s the law and just like the Law of Gravity it’s working all the time we cannot turn it off. It does not matter whether you are “good” person or a “bad” person the laws are the laws and they are always working.

If you have a challenge accepting that just ask yourself this question, if two people stood on top of a 40 story building, one of them the most virtuous caring people you know, the second a harden criminal who continues to cause havoc in society, and they both stepped off the building, would the Law of Gravity effect both of them, of course it would. Law of Attraction is no different it is a Law that is working in every situation in every moment just like gravity.

That being the case we need to make sure we understand what we are dealing with don’t we? Like unto itself is drawn, no exceptions no exclusions. So if we took the simple step of looking at how we feel, remember like unto itself is drawn, if we feel good we are going to get more good feelings and the more of those we get the more we get, okay so what’s that got to do with not having enough time to get everything done we need to get done or having enough time to enjoy ourselves more?

We must find a way to feel as good as we can about what we are currently doing, because our thoughts must change before our circumstances will change. So we need to find something that feels just a little better than the feeling of not having enough time.

Perhaps your thought could be as simple as this, “I am pretty good at getting things done and I surprise myself sometimes, I seem to get into the groove I almost become like an this amazing production machine and I literally fly through stuff” now doesn’t that thought feel better than “I have too much to do” ?

The way to feel good is to look for a thought that you can feel right where you are, so this way as you keep thinking it, the Law of Attraction will bring you similar thoughts like it, and before you know it there you are feeling good and getting all the things done you want to get done, plus you will have lots of time to enjoy yourself.

Knowing this theory is a great thing, but practising this theory is AWESOME! The more you practise it the quicker you will be able to get to those good feelings so why not make it part of your daily practise to check and see how you are feeling and if you find your not feeling good, do something about it!

Yours in Success

Linda Cargill-Selfe


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