Measure your every success in Network Marketing

Success is not a destination it’s a journey, an ongoing journey. How many times have we heard that? and yet how many of us forget it or we don’t even think about it, we are so focused on getting to the “big” results. Being focused on the “big” result is what we need to do to remain focused, and to keep doing what we are doing, but it is actually the little day by day successes we are having that end up creating the “big” result.

Every person who joins a Network Marketing company has, even if it is only for a little while, has only got themselves in their team. The team has to built and whether or not the team is built slowly or quickly, it is the process of building the team that creates the “big” result. You don’t just join a Network Marketing business and zap, there you are success has been delivered you are now the top ranking person in the company. The process of a whole lot of little successes must take place for the “big” result to happen.

People often give up part of the way along the journey because they don’t see the “big” result happening and unfortunately  for them it’s probably going to be a long time to happen before they ever experience the “big” result. Because “big” results are made of lots of little results

Perhaps this explanation may help show you what I mean. Imagine a set of scales, the type with the two weighing baskets, one on each side. Now if you were going to buy something like 10 oz’s of gold. The merchant  would put weights that equalled 10ozs on one side of the scales and then he would add, little by little, gold to the other side until the scales reached a balance, then we would know that we have 10ozs of Gold, correct?

Now it wouldn’t make sense for us to say to the merchant this is not working, this is not what I wanted it isn’t good enough, you have failed, if he has only had the chance to put five ounces of gold on the scales, would it? Even if he had spilt some of the gold we still wouldn’t give up and say this is crazy, it’s no good, it’s not working. We would exercise patience, (mind you there are probably a few of us who would tell the merchant how to do his job a little better) because we know sooner or later as long as he keeps taking the action and adding more gold, the scales will balance and we will get our 10ozs of gold

Measuring success in Network Marketing is the same if we put our goal on one side of the scales, and we keep taking action and start adding one small result after another to the other side of the scales, sooner or later we will strike the balance and hit our goal.

Even if like the merchant we spill some gold along the way, understand that, that is okay it’s not the end of the line. It is just part of the learning process and it is an indicator that we may need to modify the action we are taking in some way. We know that the more action we take and the more we do the more effective we will become.

Raise your spirits and your hopes and just keep adding successes to the scales little by little every day. Sooner or later, you will hit that magic tipping point and you will be celebrating that “big” success in your Network Marketing business. Just keep measuring your small successes along the way.

Yours in Success

Linda Cargill-Selfe


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