How to make money in Network Marketing!

10’s of thousands of people join the Network Marketing Industry ever year. Their hopes when they join are usually that they want to make lots of money and improve their lifestyle. Yet only 15-20% of all people who join the Network Marketing Industry end up at the top of their company pay plan. So why do you think that is?

Now it’s a pretty simple business isn’t it? After all Network Marketing is just about talking to people and building relationships, and most of us spend a very large portion of our lives doing exactly that. On a daily basis we talk to friends, family and often total strangers, with ease we build lots and lots of different types of relationships.

We build relationship with people at school at work at church through friends of friends and today millions of people build relationships over the internet. So why do people fail to make money in Network Marketing?

They expect to! Now, I can hear you saying that is just ridiculous, people wouldn’t join a Network Marketing Business hopeful of success and then expect to fail that is just crazy!

As crazy or ridiculous as it sounds it is absolutely correct. Let me show you exactly how I know that. Every skill required to be a Success in Network Marketing is a learned skill. So every person who joins the Network Marketing industry has the ability to be successful, irrespective of their gender or background. They just have to learn the skills to do the things that build the business.

If you have doubt about what I am saying just search the internet for Successful people in Network Marketing and check them out. You will find people from all sorts of backgrounds. Males are successful in Network Marketing and females are too. Tall people are successful in Network Marketing and not so tall people are too. Thin people are successful in Network Marketing and so are larger people. People who live in cities are successful in Network Marketing and people who live in country towns are too! People with amazing educational backgrounds are successful in Network Marketing and people who didn’t get much of an education are too. Shy people are successful in Network Marketing and extraverts are too. People who build their business on line are successful and people who build it offline are successful. People who belong to a religious group are successful and people who don’t belong to religious group are successful.

So if the list of successful people in Network Marketing have all these variances and every skill required to be successful is only a learned skill can there be any other reason that people fail other than they expect to fail.

You may say oh it’s because they don’t take the right action and you would be right, but why don’t they take the right action? because they expect to fail so they don’t do anything.

Knowing this can make a huge difference to the performance of your team because most of the time a person who expects to fail does so because they are usually filled with doubt and insecurity and a lack of self confidence.

Many people also don’t believe they deserve to be successful either in the work they do or financially.

So by investing some time talking to the people in your team who are not taking the action they need to take and finding out a little more about them and how they feel, you will be able to guide them to some material that could help them with their personal development.

There is a mountain of great books and DVD’s out there that can really people realise just how worthwhile they are, and that they do deserve success. An excellent book that really helped me understand my own self worth and helped build my self confidence, is a book by Bob Proctor called you were born rich. This book is available as a free download. So even if people feel they don’t have the money to buy books there are lots of options if you are keen enough to look.

So the way to make money in Network Marketing is to help enough  other people make money and you are bound to reap the benefit.

Yours in Success

Linda Cargill-Selfe


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