Are you a Network Marketer or Network Hunter?

It is natural when you join the Network Marketing Industry and you’re with a company that blows you away and you’re excited because you know how incredible this opportunity is, plus you know it’s going to change your life forever, that you want to go out and recruit everyone and anyone you meet.

Some people recruit and sponsor incredible business builders from day one others take a little longer, and some take a long time. It really doesn’t matter what speed you recruit and sponsor at it’s the consistency of recruiting that makes the difference. Look around the Industry and listen to the leaders in all different companies so many of them will tell you similar stories, that it took time to build a solid business and sometimes even a number of different companies before they got to where they are today.

The one thing they all have in common is they were consistent and did what had to be done each and every day to recruit and sponsor the best people into their business, and they did that by building relationships first! True Network Marketers care about other people they invite people to come to their events and business meetings. They prospect with respect and have great ethics and values.

Building a Network Marketing business is all about building relationships. It means that when you talk to people your interest needs to be in the people you are talking to not whether or not this would be a good person to put on the 3rd line of your business.

Being interested in people means that you take a real interest in what they want and what they are looking for and how you can add benefit to them. That’s what a Successful Network Marketer does build relationships based on a genuine interest in people and in being to help them.

The opposite of the Network Marketer is the Network Hunter, the characteristics of these people, are quite easy to spot and they are a very different style of person. They are often seen stalking people at trade shows and shopping malls. Their only interest in others is whether or not the person “signs up” not whether the business is the right thing for them.

Quite often the Network Hunter is seen at other people’s business meetings looking to prospect others across to their company. The Network Hunter often goes to trade shows and other similar events with their pockets bulging with flyers, business cards and other company material in an attempt to get into the hands of others. A network Marketer follows up a Network Hunter hounds people

The Network Marketing Industry is a phenomenal Industry that truly allows the development of great lifestyle and leadership skills. Building a Network Marketing business is really all about caring about people and forming quality relationships.

Make the most of being part of this Industry become a true Network Marketer, a fabulous book that will really help you understand about being a Network Marketer is a by John Milton Fogg and it’s called the Worlds Greatest Networker, well and truly worth reading!

Yours in Success

Linda Cargill-Selfe

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