Prospecting in Network Marketing for beginners

Learning to prospect will create financial success and longevity in your Network Marketing business, and it really isn’t all that difficult if you truly understand what you are doing and why you are doing it.

Fortunately or unfortunately when many people join the Network Marketing Industry they tend to get so excited, enthusiastic or desperate that they run out and talk to everyone, that they can get to stand still for a few minutes, and then they bombard them with a barrel of information that they don’t even know if the person they are talking to wants to know.

Now whilst enthusiasm and excitement are necessary for your to be successful in Network Marketing we need to make sure that you are using them in a way that is of benefit to you and the people you are talking to.

One of the mistakes most people make when they are prospecting is they talk to people rather than ask people questions and find out about them and about what they want.

Let me give you an example of a big mistake I made when I first started prospecting. There is a company in the Network Marketing Industry that has been around for a long time (I’ll call it the XYZ company), and some of their members had been prospecting pretty full on in fact some people find them outright annoying. So I made up my mind that when I was prospecting for my Network Marketing business I was not going to be annoying.

I spoke to a lady who had come to Australia from South Africa and she was really looking for a business she could get into that had the potential to give her a good financial return, that didn’t cost a lot to get into, as she was having trouble finding a job and she and her family really needed to earn money because they had left everything behind them in South Africa to move here for a safer life for their children.

Sounds like the perfect prospect right? I started my “pitch” and after a few minutes she asked me was it XYZ company and I said NO we are nothing like them, we did things this way and that way and we were the best because, blah, blah, blah. Well guess what, she said to me, “that’s a shame I was with XYZ company a number few years ago and because I started having babies not long after I joined, I had to quit because it really wasn’t the right time for me, and I really liked being with XYZ company and I was hoping to find them here”!!!!!!!

Guess who didn’t join my business and guess who learned a big lesson really quickly?  So what’s the big lesson I want you to gain from this. Ask questions and don’t assume that people feel the same way you do about things.

If my attention had been on her needs and I had been looking to understand her then I would have asked a very simple question, which is, what do you know about XYZ company? Given that her answer was that she had really enjoyed her time with them, my next question would be what did you enjoy most, or what did you like most, and then why did you leave?

I then would have had an understanding of what she was looking for and could have pointed those aspects of my business out to her that married up to what she liked about XYZ company plus I could have show her what I thought would be additional benefits for her and given her some information to go through or invited her to a meeting.

Being genuinely interested in people and asking questions when you are talking to them does a number of things, it shows them you are interested in them and you find out if they have a need that you can help them with.

Having excitement and enthusiasm is very important for your success, just channel it in the right direction when you are prospecting for your Network Marketing business. There are a number of amazing tools out there to help you with this Todd Falcone is an absolute master at this and so is Dani Johnson, master the skills of prospecting in your Network Marketing business and I will definitely see you at the top

Yours in Success

Linda Cargill-Selfe


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