So what you didn’t get it done!

Sometimes all the great plans you have to get a particular project completed, can go right out the window, maybe your computer breaks down or you are ill or something out of the ordinary happens that must be attended to now, maybe it just can’t wait, and the things you wanted to get done just don’t happen. How do you feel? Most of us feel pretty lousy possibly even angry.

Well do you know the worst thing in the world you can do is to beat yourself up over this, or complain about what you are not getting done or even getting angry or frustrated that you didn’t get it done, and here’s why.

Let’s visit the Law of Attraction and what this law simply means in the living of everyday life:

You get what you think about!

So if you have had one of those days when you have been interrupted by one thing or another or you just couldn’t get your head around what had to be done. The plans you had to get a particular project finished are right out the window, just stop for a moment take a deep breath and ask yourself the following questions:

  1. If I am angry, frustrated or annoyed right now will that get my project to the point I wanted it to be at?   NO
  2. So is there any benefit in feeling that way?   NO
  3. Does feeling frustrated or annoyed feel good?   NO
  4. Am I the one in control of how I feel? YES
  5. If I could find a way to be happier will that get my project finished? No
  6. If I was feeling happier would that be detrimental to the project? NO
  7. If I looked for a better way to feel, would that just be better for me? YES
  8. Then is there any benefit to holding on to negative feelings? NO

Law of attraction is always working ever moment of every day, no exceptions so hanging on to negative feelings will achieve only one thing, things will happen to ensure you get more of those feelings.

It makes sense doesn’t it, that if Law of Attraction is real and it is and it is only ever influenced for us by us, that we would attempt to ensure we felt good most of the time!

Of course we are going to have reactions to things we don’t like or are not happy about, that actually helps us establish what we do want. The answer is once you have established what it is you don’t like, move as quickly as you can to thinking about what you do want.

So let’s take the scenario we had at the start of this blog, you feel angry or frustrated that you didn’t get the work done that you wanted to get done and you don’t feel good at all! What do you want? You want to feel good don’t you?  The Law of Attraction will always attract to you more things that match the way you feel and believe, so the worst thing you can do is beat up on yourself or keep on feeling angry or frustrated or focusing on what you haven’t got done.

Maybe the best way to feel even just a little bit better is to say something like; tomorrows another day and I am sure after a good night’s sleep things will look a little brighter in the morning. Somehow when this has happened before I always find a way to get things done. Somehow things just seem to happen that way, it will be really interesting to see how this works out this time!

Doesn’t that feel just a little better than the frustration or anger? and if you keep looking for more broad statements like this you will be surprised how good you can feel in just a few minutes. When you feel happier things always look brighter so what have you got to lose?  It does require effort but you have plenty of that right?

Yours in Success

Linda Cargill-Selfe


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