Do you have a strategy to build your Network Marketing business?

Now I know that you are probably thinking what a crazy question, but it may surprise you to know that a large percentage of people who join the Network Marketing Industry don’t even think about what strategy they are going to use to grow their business.

I often hear oh I am just going to approach everyone I get within 3 feet of!

It is really important to go through the steps of allocating time each day to build your Network Marketing business and you must have a strategy as to where and how you are going to get people to talk to., otherwise the time you have allocated to build your business will be totally waisted

I am sure if you have been in the industry for longer than about 30 mins you realise that the most important activity we carry out is prospecting both directly and by helping our downline with three way calls and meetings. And you have probably already discovered that people do not automatically line up at your front door once you join Network Marketing, just waiting to be signed up by you.

So where are your people going to come from? If you were going to have a party or an event you would have a strategy for putting the event together and a strategy for inviting people to attend right?

I mean if you really don’t care who comes to your event or party you may just post an open invitation on face book then you can just sit back and watch the hoards of people flood into your home ( I do not recommend this by the way!) or you could be a little more discerning and specific and either send out invitations or perhaps pick up the phone and ask the people we want to attend directly, which is really how most of us go about it! we have a definite strategy as to how we are going to go about things.

I am sure you would not just decide to have an event or a party and just sit and hope people come along without you actively letting at least someone know about it would you?

So what is your strategy to locate people for your Network Marketing Business? This is something you need to establish quickly and review regularly. If you are a person to person type, what are you going to do on a daily basis to get in front of people? where will you find your people?

If you are going on line to generate leads what strategy are you going to use? Let’s say you choose usingĀ  a blog or article marketing what is your actual strategy to do that? What tools do you need what do you need to get better at what do you need to study and who will you learn from.

You may choose to buys leads if so from where and what type of leads are you going to buy and what is your strategy for handling those leads?

I am sure if you had invested your entire life savings to go into a business you would have a strategy worked out as to how you were going to let customers know firstly that you were in business and secondly you would have worked out what strategy you were going to use to get them in your front door.

Network Marketing is no different to any other business in that sense. We must have people to get in front of so if you haven’t decided on your strategy I am suggesting that you sit down with your upline and work that out right now.

When I first joined the Network Marketing Industry I had a list of people’s names that I wanted to contact, and along the way I added more names to my list and so for a period of time my strategy was to talk to the people on my list, work with my downline and at the same time begin to learn skills that would allow me to use various aspects of the internet to generate new leads once my contacts had run out.

Creating momentum is a very positive and important part of creating massive growth in your business do you yourself a favour and make sure you have a clear strategy to contact large numbers of people, so that you can enjoy the success in your Network Marketing Business you deserve.

Yours in Success

Linda Cargill-Selfe


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