Keep it Super Simple and succeed in Network Marketing.

Today we live in world that is high tech and hi power. We can travel across the other side of the globe in a matter of hours, we can put a man on the moon, programme our dinner to start cooking before we get home, have the heating system kick in so we wake to a warm home and do any one of a myriad of things by simply programming some kind of system whether it is an independent remote control or a remote control panel or switch on an appliance.

To prepare an evening meal a relatively simple task right?  but first we must decide, if we are going to microwave, roast, boil, braise, grill, fry, slow cook, pressure cook or perhaps even cook in paper (en papillote) We can cook on the hot plate, in the oven, in the steam oven, in the ground or in a clay oven or perhaps the pizza oven or BBQ

Go to the supermarket and buy milk, um which one do we buy, low fat, high fat, skim, trim, soy or as the ad says extra dollop? So many choices, confusion and complication!!

Whilst things are certainly the best they have ever been and our lives are blessed with an amazing array of choices and opportunities, we can, if we are not careful, make a lot of things much more complicated than we need to.

We can over think things and then even take make the simplest of tasks and situations very complicated. We can even take building a Network Marketing Business and turn it into something so very complicated that it can stop us and our growth in our tracks.

Creating Success in Network Marketing is a very simple process. It’s all about talking to people and exposing them to our opportunity and products and the ones that say yes, say yes! Then we teach them to do what we did and that is talk to people expose them to the opportunity and the products and… you got repeat the process!

Obviously there are skill sets to be learned, like talking to people, learning to listen. Learning  about the Company the products and of course how you earn the money. One of the most powerful skills that needs to be learned is how to be a follower, now you might think that’s a very strange thing to say especially  when we talk so much about becoming a leader in the Network Marketing arena. But all great leaders were at some point were successful followers. They followed while they learned what they needed to learn to be a leader. Now that’s a pretty simple, and uncomplicated process isn’t it?

So if you are really focused on creating success in your Network Marketing Business my advice to you is this.

  • Keep it Super Simple
  • Become and excellent follower and follow your successful upline leader to success
  • Follow the system they use and stick to it
  • Teach others to use the system just like you did
  • If you want to add anything to the system use it yourself first until you have a strong and proven track record of results from using it
  • Keep it Super Simple for your team
  • Make it easy and simple for people to follow you

To enjoy the process of building a successful Network Marketing Business, do yourself and your team a favour Keep it Super Simple.

Yours in Success

Linda Cargill-Selfe


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