Tag Archives: Success in Network Marketing

Stay Focused on achieving Success in Network Marketing

Success in Network MarketingEver have trouble staying focused on creating success in your Network Marketing business?

You get to the end of the week and once again you haven’t done what you said you were going to do!

Or perhaps this may sound familiar to you. Your upline calls you and persuades you to attend the local meeting because a speaker from out of town will be presenting and he’s promised to teach everyone how he built his Network Marketing Business and went from broke to 6 figures in under 12 months, so you just got to be there… Continue reading Stay Focused on achieving Success in Network Marketing

How to Succeed in Network Marketing

How many times have you heard this question?  How can I succeed in Network Marketing? Maybe you have even asked this question. Is there a real answer to this question or is the ability to succeed in Network Marketing a pipe dream that only a gifted few will achieve

Let me ask you this, have you ever attended an event or gone to a meeting and as part of the presentation you’ve heard there was an incredibly dynamic speaker who, you think is not to dissimilar to you. You’re around the same age, similar education level and background. The only difference is this guy has been able to succeed in Network Marketing, while you haven’t. You listen intently to what he has to say and you being to feel really inspired because you believe this guy really seems to have the answers.

After listening to his incredible story of how he rose from broke to a 6 or 7 figure income which placed him at the top of his companies pay plan you rush to get to speak with him, with both ears wide open ready for “the” answer to the million dollar question, and so you ask. What do I need to do to succeed in Network Marketing?

He gives you the following answer Continue reading How to Succeed in Network Marketing

Setting goals in Network Marketing

I am sure by now you know the importance of setting goals. Whilst it is not the only thing you need to do to create success it does play a major role in the success process. I do hear lots of people say yeah, yeah, yeah, goals, goals, goals I have heard it all before.

I would just like to remind you of one of my favourite lines from the magical Alice in Wonderland that really spells out why goals are important Alice asked Cheshire Cat:

Setting Goals in Network Marketing“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?”
“That depends a good deal on where you want to get to.”
“I don’t much care where –”
“Then it doesn’t matter which way you go.” Continue reading Setting goals in Network Marketing

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